From Baku via Trondheim to Brisbane, Natig Nabiyev brings Quality Management experience and qualifications to multinational construction oil and gas, pipelines, defence and HV Power

From Baku via Trondheim to Brisbane, Natig Nabiyev brings Quality Management experience and qualifications to multinational construction oil and gas, pipelines, defence and HV Power
Lidiar Group NT’s Arthur Dimitropoulos is at the 12th Annual NT Major Projects Conference in Darwin. With a focus on the Territory Government’s record $4.07bn
Day 2 of the Gladstone Engineering Alliance Conference was shaped by a major announcement and the scale of Gladstone’s development coming into context. “All Gladstone
Lidiar Group’s Niall Callan is back in Gladstone for the Gladstone Engineering Alliance Conference and has been taking in key local projects and the first
Lidiar Group’s Arthur Dimitropoulos and Lachlan Winterbotham are attending this year’s Southeast Asia Australia Offshore & Onshore Conference (SEAAOC). We caught up with Arthur to
Lidiar Group’s Contracts and Procurement team have been supporting our clients during some of the globe’s most challenging times as their profession has been caught
Technology has the power to support so much of what we do on a day-to-day basis enabling systems to thrive and processes to be more
Lidiar Group’s Clara Nyamandi-Shoko has a decade of experience defining, delivering and supporting procurement strategies and tactics that benefit projects, supply networks, relationships and businesses.
Contracts and Procurement Associate Clara Nyamandi-Shoko is another of Lidiar Group’s Contracts and Procurement Team who is bringing experience, knowledge and critical thinking to our
Our contracts and procurement team comprises a unique mix of professionals with proven track records from across the globe. Their diverse experiences and opinions are