October 28, 2021

Fitzroy Region Set for Exciting Future

Lidiar Group’s Niall Callan believes that the future is bright for the Fitzroy Region. As identified in the 2021 Queensland Major Projects Pipeline report, the region is set to benefit from a $4.7bn pipeline of projects over the next five years. Here are Niall’s thoughts on the future for Fitzroy.

“Defence, road, coal, renewables and water project are set to power the infrastructure development of the Fitzroy Region. Rockhampton Ring Road ($825m), Singapore Force Posture Initiatives – Shoalwater Bay ($400m), Queensland Curtis LNG Upstream Field Development (Sustaining), ($1.25b), Gladstone LNG Upstream Field Development ($900m) are all funded, and peak investment will be reached in 2022/23 at $900m. What excites me about the region is the breadth of the investment and the number of complementary projects that will enable resources growth to continue, supported by critical infrastructure.”

“Fitzroy is a region that will play a vital role in transitioning the economy to a cleaner future. It has its traditional strengths in coal and agriculture but is perfectly positioned to benefit from the state’s hydrogen boom and the transition to renewable energy generation and storage, which is evident in the announcements around the planned H2-Hub and Forestcue Future Industries (FFI) Hydrogen Manufacturing Facility in recent weeks.”